Fill Your Horn and Go - Bishop T.D. Jakes | The Pacemaker Series
God is a God of rhythm. When we catch His rhythm and begin to walk in step with Him, He reveals the divine plans and purposes that He has orchestrated for our lives. Fortunately, the journey isn’t a sprint; it’s a marathon. If you wait a while, everything that God said will come to pass. Sometimes, when you’re in the rhythm, God will reject areas of your life that are hindering you to accommodate for the blessings yet to come. So, how do you handle “what was” in the face of “what is?” First, you must exercise discretion. Know that what God has given you not everyone can receive. If a situation doesn’t pan out as you expected, it wasn’t supposed to work. God’s got something better! Second, you must employ discernment. For where God is taking you, you can’t lean on your understanding. God will direct your path; He sees the end from the beginning. Third, you must be dissected. Surrender your will to God’s so that He can unpack the heart of the matter to ensure that your next isn’t compromised by your now.
Message: Fill Your Horn and Go
Scripture: 1 Samuel 16:1-7 KJV
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Service Date: December 31, 2018
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Everything in nature, from blue jays singing intricate melodies, to sunsets radiating opalescent rays, is synchronized with God's pace. If He communicates His divine pace with all of nature to mirror (Psalm 150:6 NIV), wouldn't He expect you to do the same?
In this sermon series, The Pacemaker, Bishop T.D. Jakes astutely illustrates what it takes to cultivate a symbiotic cadence with God. When you unearth how to synchronize your steps in tandem with God's strides, you begin to tap into a divine velocity to bring forth His Glory in all areas of your life!
Whether you're just learning to walk with God, or you've walked with Him for a while, The Pacemaker Series will uncover how to synchronize your rhythm with God. Watch The Pacemaker Series today via the T.D. Jakes Ministries YouTube Channel!
The Pacemaker Series includes these revelatory messages:
"The Transplant" -
"Fill Your Horn and Go" -
"Bridges to Destiny" -
"Raiders of the Lost Ark" -
"The King is Coming" -
"Zion is Calling Me" -
"The Power of an Instrument" -
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