Fearless Small Group Bible Study by Max Lucado
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CBD - http://bit.ly/1b0gnhF
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Fearless Small Group Bible Study by Max Lucado. Fearless Small Group Bible Study by Max Lucado.
Can you imagine your life without fear?
In his book Fearless, Max Lucado offers hope and calm in a time of unprecedented fear in our nation and the world.
Now Max's timeless messages are also available in a DVD-based study that can be used for individual reflection or small-group discussion.
Fearless draws from Jesus' encounters with people in frightening situations giving evidence that we can trust God through these scary times.
In six sessions, Max takes a close look at our greatest fears and offers scripturally based reassurance and guidance through even the toughest moments of our lives.
This companion discussion guide can be used for personal journalling or as a prompt for open-hearted discussions with your small group.
Let Max Lucado show you how to find a sense of peace and security in today's troubled world.
Finding freedom from your fears is easier than you think. Let Max Lucado help you or your small group explore and find a spiritual solution to the growing minefield of fear. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? In these six DVD sessions, Fearless addresses some of your biggest fears and shows you how the solution may be easier than you think.
DVD Kit features:
One DVD with six 5-7-minute video sessions
One Fearless Participant's Guide (also sold separately)
Session titles:
1. Why Are We Afraid?
2. Fear of Not Mattering
3. Fear of Disappointing God
4. Fear of Life's Final Moments
5. Fear of Global Calamity
6. Fear of God Getting Out of My Box
Max Lucado, Minister of Writing and Preaching for the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the husband of Denalyn and father of Jenna, Andrea, and Sara. He is the author of multiple bestsellers and is America's leading inspirational author. Visit his website at www.maxlucado.com.