Family Discussion Guide // Elevate // May 9/10
Hey Families! The story of Jesus changes everything. If life is a work of art, Jesus has the power to turn it into something beautiful, like switching from black and white to full technicolor. --- QUESTIONS TO TALK ABOUT · What are some things people can be really good at? (A sport, music, listening, serving.) · Who is someone you know that is good at each of those things? · Who is someone that has made a difference in your life? How did they do that? LOOK UP AND READ ROMANS 12:6-8 Those verses say that God gives each of us “gifts.” These aren’t gifts like Christmas or birthday gifts. The gifts God gives us are abilities, things we are really good at, especially things that help us show others God’s love. THINK ABOUT IT Read about the gifts below and answer the questions. SERVING Serving means doing something good for someone else, even if we don’t get anything for it. People that are good at serving are always looking for good things they can do for others. - Who do you know that is really good at serving others? - How could we practice serving others? (one idea: look for good things to do for our families and neighbors) TEACHING Teaching means helping people learn, especially helping them learn more about God. People who are good at teaching can make learning about God fun, interesting, and exciting. - Who do you know that is a really good teacher? - How could we practice being good teachers? (some ideas: help our younger brothers or sisters learn; learn something new and teach others about it; share Bible stories we’ve learned.) ENCOURAGING Encouraging means pointing out the good things about someone and helping them feel great about themselves. People who are good encouragers are always looking for what’s best about someone. - Who do you know that is super encouraging? - Who could you encourage this week? (Your parents, friends, a teammate or classmate) LEADING Leading others means choosing what to do, especially making wise choices. People who are good at leading inspire others to make right choices by making right choices themselves. - Who do you know that is a really great leader? - How could we practice leading others? (Inviting them to church, choosing to do what’s right, or showing respect.) SHOWING MERCY Showing mercy means being kind and forgiving to others. People who are great at showing mercy are kind, listen well, and are ready to forgive and give someone a second chance. - Who do you know that is really kind and gives people second chances? - Who could we show mercy to? (People who were unkind to us, our brother or sister if they’ve annoyed us, a friend we argued with.) THE POINT TO REMEMBER There are so many people who use these gifts to care about us and help us, even if we don’t notice them all the time. None of us are good at all of these things, but whatever our gifts are, they are important to God. We can serve God as a pastor, a mechanic, a scientist, a student, a brother, a sister, a parent, a painter, and in whatever else we do, because God made us just the way we are. When we use the gifts God gives us to share his love, we can change the world around us for good!