Faith That Crosses The Line - Bishop T.D. Jakes
Have you ever needed something so bad you were willing to go out of your way to get it? In our desperate situations, it can seem as though God is silent in our suffering. But that’s not the moment to retract in defeat; it’s our time to move forward in radical faith. Faith is a verb— it requires action and cannot be easily discouraged when our answer doesn’t come quickly. Are you willing to cross the line to get to your breakthrough? That’s where God has a blessing reserved just for you.
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Message: Faith Crosses the Line!
Matthew 15:21-29 KJV
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Date: February 2, 2022
Attach your seed to this anointing, sow into good soil! or text WNBS [space] and dollar amount to 28950 [Example: WNBS 50 (for a donation of $50)]
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