Faith Commander Small Group Bible Study by Korie Robertson and Chrys Howard - Promo
5-session DVD and Book available here: - - -
In this Faith Commander Study Guide and DVD pack, family members of all ages will learn how to build a legacy of faith and apply faith-based family values to every aspect of their lives. Join the Robertson family of A&E's hit television show, Duck Dynasty, on a wild ride through five of the Bible's most-loved parables.
You will learn how to build a legacy of faith and apply five faith-based values to your life. With their trademark humor and commitment to faith in Jesus, the Robertson family will challenge you to live a new kind of life. A video discussion guide is included in the back of the book to be used with the Faith Commander: A DVD Study (ISBN 9780310820352). The five chapters are: Redonkulous Faith, Radical Forgiveness, Ravenous Prayer, Real Obedience, and Rowdy Kindness.