"Even If He Doesn't" Faith | Brian Houston | Hillsong Church Online
A new message from Pastor Brian Houston recorded live from the Hills Convention Centre in Sydney, Australia.
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Message Moments:
0:00 - Even if He doesn’t Faith (Isaiah 55:8-9)
2:20 - God says: For my thoughts are not your thoughts
4:51 - The rich man and Lazarus
6:36 - God is working to a higher plan
9:10 - Ask and you shall receive
11:21 - Not every prayer we pray is selfish
14:23 - Blessed to be a blessing
15:45 - Has God answered all my prayers?
17:18 - It takes greater faith
21:53 - Nor are your ways my ways says the Lord
24:40 - For as the heavens are higher than the earth
26:05 - Trusting God
28:00 - Faith is an adventure
28:42 - Trust God “even when He doesn’t”
31:26 - Do you know Jesus?
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