Eternally Secure (2)
In this sermon on Romans 8:28–30 titled “Eternally Secure (2),” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones continues to press the issue of the final perseverance of the saints by examining the flaws exegetically and theologically. He even questions, what if his opponents are correct? What if a regenerated, born-again Christian finally did go to perdition and fell away from their position “in Christ”? Are there any negative implications for this apostasy position? Dr. Lloyd-Jones carefully and consistently works out the meaning of his opponent's position with regards to the ultimate purpose of salvation itself. While Dr. Lloyd-Jones’s opponents would rightly affirm that salvation is about forgiveness of sin and they can now go to heaven, he suggests that is not the ultimate purpose of salvation. The main purpose of salvation is the glory of God, the vindication of His glory, and the sovereignty of the character of God. This ultimate purpose, says Dr. Lloyd-Jones, changes everything, namely the assurance of the outcome of God’s glory. Moreover, there are opportunities for pride as those who deny the final perseverance of the saints are forced to deny that it is ultimately God who causes endurance until the end, and instead must affirm that there is some quality inside those who are received into glory that is different from those who fall away. There is great comfort in knowing that the God who began the believer’s salvation will truly see it completed to the end. Listen as Dr. Lloyd-Jones encourages believers in the great truth of eternal security.