Episode 263: The Thing Beneath the Thing with Steve Carter
Author and pastor Steve Carter joins Jason Wieland and Linda Tokar to talk about The Thing Beneath The Thing… Steves new book. When the unexpected happens, as it does in all of us, how do you respond to the change that you didn’t see coming? How do you see God in the midst of the hard times? Steve explains how you can’t achieve your way out of something, and that you have to grieve your way through it. These thoughts and more are a part of this fascinating conversation.
Additional resources:
The Thing Beneath The Thing: What’s Hidden Inside - by Steve Carter
Craft and Character - podcast with Steve Carter
The Home Team - podcast with Steve Carter
Bible Recap - podcast by D Group
Book recommendations:
The Divine Conspiracy - Dallas Willard
Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice - Jan Johnson/Dallas Willard
Let Your Life Speak - Parker Palmer
The Parables: Jewish Tradition and Christian Interpretation - Brad Young
Other resources:
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