Dr. Robert George on Religious Freedom and the Pandemic
During COVID-19, Christians have sacrificed physically gathering together out of love of neighbor. At the same time, it is essential to remind lawmakers that any curbs on religious freedom must done in the least restrictive way possible and must be temporary.
Across the country, those lines are in danger of being crossed. In some places, they already have.
The reason, as Princeton Professor Robert George told me recently on the BreakPoint Podcast, too many Americans –including lawmakers and even some Christians—“essentially see (religion) as a hobby…like football, or going to the ballet, or collecting stamps.”
“But in our constitutional tradition,” he continued, religion “is singled out for special care... Our founding fathers, who bequeathed to us this great constitutional government … understood that religion has to do with the conscience.”
My conversation with Dr. Robert George is like an essential short course on religious freedom and the Constitution. You can listen to it on the BreakPoint Podcast, or visit breakpoint.org.