Dont Run with the Herd - Bishop T.D. Jakes [November 24, 2019]
Herds are encompassed by "them" and "they": key players who have an intense sense of belonging, which causes them to plant seeds of strife, envy, war, and condemnation. When we as believers encounter the herd, sometimes it's in our best interest to emulate the behavior of Jesus and remain silent. We stay quiet during this time of conviction, realizing "them" and "they" were once "us." Had Jesus not stooped down and reached for us, we'd be lost. We must be strong enough to bear the infirmities of the weak, drop our rocks, and restore others as we consider ourselves.
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Message: Don't Run With The Herd
Speaker: Bishop T.D. Jakes
Scripture: John 8:3-12 KJV
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