Does God ALWAYS Heal?
The link to the longer video is found here:
This was my favorite segment of this two-hour video.
Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." This was the ultimate scripture used when I was in the New Age for the Law of Attraction, a New Age belief that taught that 'like attracts like'. You can manifest your reality by following this supposed law of the universe that is responding to your thoughts feelings and words. Matthew 7 was called the 'Ask-Believe-Receive' formula. If you ask and you believe, then you *will* receive it. In many churches, it's used the same way. If you have enough faith and believe without doubting, then God will give you what you desire. So... if that's the case, why have so many not received what they were believing for? What about the healing, help or breakthrough you've been begging God for? Mike does a great job explaining this.
A constant question I get asked is what scriptures really mean when they're misused in such ways by so many. I asked Mike to come on my channel a while ago and break down 10 of the most misused scriptures from the Word of Faith camp and the New Age. I gave him the scripture and explained how it's interpreted by someone in the New Age and Word of Faith. The then breaks down the passage and explains what it actually means.
There are a lot of scriptures that are used to support WoF (Word of Faith) new age/new thought teachings. This is just one and the ones that I see mostly misused in churches and from new age/new thought teachers.
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#MikeWinger #Manifest #Matthew 7