Do it again Lord 🔥 Six great revivals the world has experienced 🔥
The stories of six of the greatest revivals in church history. Scholars agree that if the Welsh revival of 1904 and the Azusa Street revival of 1906 had taken place during the first century, we would read about them today in the Bible, in the the Acts of the Apostles.
What is revival? Discover revival lessons from the stories of the Welsh revival with Evan Roberts and the Azusa Street revival with William Seymour are included in this revival fire book, along with the revival in America in 1857, Ulster in 1859, Korea (yes, Korea - especially north Korea) in 1907, and the Isle of Lewis in the Hebrides in 1949 with Duncan Campbell.
"There are important lessons to learn from each revival. My longing is that your life will be impacted as you learn them" - Gordon Pettie
God can do it in your life too! Get your revival book "Do it again Lord" now. Call us during office hours on +44 (0) 208 972 1400 or email
Gordon Pettie talks with the revival historian Mathew Backholer, watch the revival series now:
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