Dead in Trespasses and Sins
What is the state of a person before Christ? Is the problem with humanity that it needs more morality or is it much deeper? The apostle Paul explains that humanity’s greatest problem is that it is dead in trespasses and sins. In this sermon on Ephesians 2:1 titled “Dead in Trespasses and Sins,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones expounds on Paul’s words and preaches how when the Christian has a strong understanding of the depth of their depravity, it makes the work of Christ all the more glorious. When the Christian sees the severity of their sin and their plight outside of union with Christ, they realize the great power and sovereignty of God in salvation and it inevitably leads to true worship and praise to God for all the grace and mercy that He shows in saving sinners. Because sin is so deadly, only the power of God can save. No one can be unified with Christ by any other means. A true understanding of sin will spur the Christian on to evangelize the lost. They should want others to know of the great salvation that resides in Jesus Christ. The greatest problem with the sinner is not just that they do not come to church on Sunday or that they are not a part of the Christian social club. The greatest problem is that the sinner is alienated from God and under God’s wrath. With this is mind, telling others about Jesus becomes all the more important a task.