Combating Sexual Exploitation
Featured in Discussion:
Katarina MacLeod
Katarina MacLeod is a survivor of exploitation, sexual & physical abuse, drug addiction, kidnapping, and domestic prostitution and trafficking. In 2008, she finally escaped ‘the game’ and now works to raise awareness regarding the truth behind this industry, as well as walk alongside women who, like her, want to start over and realize they cannot do it on their own. Katarina has obtained a diploma in Addictions and Community Service, a certificate in Sexual Violence, and a Level 1 certificate in Trauma Counselling for Front Line Workers. She is a wife, a mother to 4 children, and a child of God.
Michele Rickett
Michele Rickett is founder and president of She Is Safe, an international ministry mobilizing advocates to equip women and girls to be free of abuse, slavery and spiritual darkness in the world’s hardest places through practical grassroots projects. Michele is also coauthor (with Kay Marshall Strom) of "Forgotten Girls". Moved by their plight, Kay and Michele work across continents to rescue and restore girls in some of the highest-risk places in the world.