“Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” from the album “Christmas - Acoustic Sessions”
“Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)” from the album “Christmas - Acoustic Sessions”
I’ll admit this song isn’t a particularly happy song. It doesn’t even carry much of the real story of Christmas in it, but it’s still one of my Christmas faves. I think I like it cause it’s just all about how the best part of the Christmas season is being with the ones we love. All the extra stuff, the lights, tree, presents, parties…, all of it is kind of meaningless without love. Love is how the whole story started. For God so LOVED the world he gave His only son.”
I hope you get to be with your loved ones this season. And for those of you hurting and missing loved ones I pray that the God of all peace and comfort would make his presence known to you in such a huge way this Christmas. God bless you guys!