Calling: the Middle Link
As Christians consider controversial topics such as predestination and election, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones reminds that one must beware of their prejudices. Christians have to keep their minds open to understand what the apostle Paul actually says and teaches, even if at the end they do not agree with him. In light of this reminder, Dr. Lloyd-Jones presses into the topic of predestination and argues that God has marked out His people for His particular purpose and end. Taking it a step further, he asks why does the “call” come as the middle link in Paul’s great chain in redemption? Why must it come before justification? He shares that it is because justification is by faith alone and God’s effectual call of the Christian must come before or there would be no movement of the person to trust in Christ. Were it not for the power of the Holy Spirit in calling the person to the Lord Jesus Christ, states Dr. Lloyd-Jones, no one would ever believe the gospel. He then elaborates the work of the Spirit by providing biblical evidence on the nature and character of the doctrine of the effectual call of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones answers several practical objections to this sovereign work of the Spirit. Listen to this sermon on Romans 8:28–30 titled “Calling: the Middle Link” as he gives insight to what he calls the “middle link” – the effectual call of the Holy Spirit.