"CROWNS DOWN", coming THIS FRIDAY 🙌 #GatewayWorship #Worship
Listen to the new live worship album, “Crowns Down,” from Gateway Worship on digital music platforms: https://bit.ly/3P8dYOO
Song: Crowns Down
Worship Leader: Josh Baldwin (@JoshBaldwinOfficial)
Subscribe to the Gateway Worship Channel for the latest videos:
→ https://gway.ch/GWWorshipSUB
Connect with Gateway Worship:
→ Instagram | https://bit.ly/3OW8sPv
→ Facebook | https://bit.ly/44tlQQw
→ Website | https://bit.ly/3qGDQtb
→ Gateway Church | https://bit.ly/3szl2MK
#GatewayWorship #JoshBaldwin #Worship