Broken Things - Benita Jones (Official Lyric Video)
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You are the potter, I am the clay
You put me together
You do Your best work with broken things
Hands of the Father, no safer place
You know me better
You do Your best work with broken things
You hold all my pieces together
Hallelujah, I surrender
My whole life in Your hands
You know what You’re doing
I thought it was over
But You’re the restorer
Molded by love You make me beautiful
You are the author
You do Your best work with broken things
What You have started, You will complete
I’m Your masterpiece
You do Your best work with broken things
All of these broken pieces
I place them in Your hands
Every season, You see them
You don’t turn away
You say ‘I’m Yours forever’
Written by: Benita Jones, Chandler Moore, Timothy Reddick
© 2020 Integrity Worship Music/My Symone Music/ASCAP (adm worldwide at, excluding the UK & Europe which is adm by Integrity Music), Timothy Reddick Publishing/BMI, Songs By MoWorks/BMI
CCLI# 7144962
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