Book by Book: 1 & 2 Thessalonians | Episode 1 | Waiting for His Son from Heaven | Rico Tice
The return of Jesus from heaven is the heart-beat of the letters to the Thessalonians, written by Paul, Silas and Timothy to this young church. If the Thessalonians fixed their hopes clearly and faithfully on their wonderful resurrection future with Jesus then they would be able to endure the lies, violence, rejection and pressure of living for Jesus in Thessalonica. These letters are full of encouragement, pastoral concern and loving Christian teaching to help strengthen the believers to keep their focus on the return of Christ as King and to spur them on to remain faithful to the gospel message. Join hosts Paul Blackham, Richard Bewes and special guest Rico Tice as they explore 1 Thessalonians Chapter 1.
Director: Crawford Telfer
Starring: Rico Tice