Big Reasons to Rejoice: The People Push Back, Jesus Defeats Death | Ep 396
Today we're focusing on good news in the U.S. and around the world. It's almost Good Friday, so of course we're aware of the best news of all: the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. But there's some good news on Earth, too. The Left is trying to push its ideology in school, but there are lots of organizations popping up whose mission is to oppose things like critical race theory in school. Check them out, because the best way to fight against this kind of thing is to unite with other like-minded people in your area. Several state governments around the country are also taking stands against CRT and big tech censorship as well, namely Texas and Florida. There’s good news on the abortion front as well, as we see the Huffington Post lament that 2021 is the year of anti-abortion legislation.
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Big Reasons to Rejoice: The People Push Back, Jesus Defeats Death | Ep 396