Behind the Headlines - Why is the french Presidential Election of 2022 so Important?
In this week’s edition of Behind the Headlines, we will be discussing the French Presidential Election 2022, where Emmanuel Macron is seeking a second term as President. With less than a week to go before the first round Macron is not having it all his way.
He is presiding over a mass of social cohesion problems, Islamic extremism, rising crime, economic problems with raising inflation and energy bills and criticism of his draconian response to the Covid19 pandemic. The EU federalists are looking to Macron to secure a second term to push forward the European project namely the creation of a European Superstate. He is up against the Ultra -nationalist Marine Len Pen from the National Rally Party. It has been reported that she has moderated her views and is gaining ground on Macron.
If Len Pen wins the French Presidential Election not only, will she be the first woman to win the Presidency but would totally transform France and the EU. The French could have their own Frexit that would put the entire EU project in jeopardy. There is a dark underbelly of Jew Hatred behind Marine Le Pen that should act as a warning from history.
What is at stake in this French Presidential Election is not just the future of France but that of Europe as the French people go to the polls to decide who will be their next President?