Begin with the End In Mind | John and Lisa Bevere | LWCC
God designed marriage with the end in mind and has a unique vision for each couple to be happy, fulfilled, thriving, and flourishing. God designed marriage for spouses to count the cost and be willing to serve each other for the rest of their lives. The legacy we leave through our marriage is more important than ourselves. The crisis has the capacity of bringing couples closer together if they guard the spirit of their marriage. We are not to close up our affections and spirits from each other but be the other’s best friend in Him. If we truly understood what Jesus actually did when He forgave us, we would not withhold forgiveness from our spouses as forgiveness enables them to change. The vision for our marriage covenant has to be bigger than us. A contract (drawn out of distrust) will shrink our movements and a covenant (everything that is mine is yours and everything that is yours is mine) will enlarge our movements. Write out the end of your story in the beginning as God listens to your dreams. Get a vision for your marriage.
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