BLESS | Week 2 | EAT | Albert Tate
Many times in the Bible, Jesus shared meals and fellowshipped with others. Something powerful happens when we sit across the table from someone and share nourishment.
We don’t want to go to church; we want to be the church where we live, work, and play. As Christ followers, let’s strive to live our lives on mission, seeking ways to bless the people around us. Let’s firmly believe we can change the world by loving our neighbors, and let’s continue to challenge ourselves by asking, “Who am I serving, who am I sharing a meal with, and who am I sharing Jesus with?” Let’s be a church that’s a BLESSing to our communities.
Recorded for Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL.
#WillowCreek #WillowWorship #AlbertTate