Answers News: Ramp system may have been used to build Egypt’s Great Pyramid – November 8, 2018
Ramp system may have been used to build Egypt’s Great Pyramid; new species of crocodile discovered with soft skin; and more in this week’s episode of Answers News hosted at the Creation Museum in front of a live audience.
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Here are links to the articles discussed in Answers News. Due to time restraints, all topics may not be covered in this episode. Articles not covered in today’s episode will be featured in a future Answers News broadcast.
Genome-wide study confirms six tiger subspecies
The psychological reasons why you don't forget the songs you listened to as a teenager
Entirely new species of crocodile has been discovered – and it’s got soft skin
Smoking gun evidence of an ancient earth: GPS data confirms radiometric dating
This 4,500-year-old ramp contraption may have been used to build Egypt’s Great Pyramid
Corals produce molecules that can help resist disease
School district bans FCA from meeting when other clubs do, legal group says
CA bill forcing pregnancy centers to promote abortion finally thrown out
Google maps is directing British women to fake abortion clinics
Same sex couple carries same ‘miracle’ baby in what may be fertility world first
What sort of strange lottery determines that one baby is celebrated while others are aborted?
Australian PM blasts transgender ‘nonsense’: We’ll ‘never remove’ gender from passports