Andrew Dealy | How Do I Overcome Anxiety and Depression? | TGC Q&A
In the second episode of our biblical counseling series on TGC Q&A, Andrew Dealy answers the question, “How do I overcome anxiety and depression?” He addresses:
0:00 Introduction
0:37 Fighting guilt and finding resilience
1:22 The natural response to a fallen and broken world
1:56 Lessons from Matthew 6 and Philippians 4
3:09 Learning not to be ruled by our emotions
5:15 Jesus fighting anxiety in the Garden
7:22 A great hope to overcome anxiety
8:10 Deciphering the factors that feed anxiety
13:55 Finding purpose in our struggle
14:28 Medication as a personal help
15:27 Expected pain and suffering in the Christian life
16:47 Being honest about our pain
17:32 No promise of answers to all of our questions
18:00 Self-forgetfulness instead of an inward focus
19:03 Practical tools for overcoming anxiety and depression
19:56 An invitation to carry our struggles to God
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