All Power is Given to Me
God's power is on display in the lives of His children. As Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones examines the illustration of Joseph highlighted in Acts 7 and this sermon titled “All Power is Given to Me,” that is true today just as it was in the Old Testament. This powerful passage shows God’s work through Joseph as he was given authority by Pharaoh over all of Egypt, and was used by God to spare Egypt and the surrounding nations by preparing for the great famine in the land. In a parallel way, Jesus is given authority over all things by His Father. He is made king of every inch of creation by nature of His death and resurrection. Jesus Christ alone has died, been buried, and rose from the dead in order that all who believe would be saved from the eternal penalty of their sin. Christ alone saves sinners and reconciles the world to God the Father. This is the good news that brings lasting hope that the world has ever known. The message to the early church is the message to the contemporary church: be faithful to proclaim this great and glorious message to all. Without the Gospel of Christ, no one can be saved.