After The Saints Go Marching In (Part 2)
In this teaching, we take a look at what the Bible says about a time coming when the economies and governments of the world will come under great stress and peril. Once the Church is raptured, the world will be looking for a leader; one who will deceive the world by promising to bring peace and seek to rule over a one-world government.
0:00 - Introduction
16:46 - 1. There is Left Behind - A World In Free Fall
18:05 - 1A. There is Left Behind - A Post Rapture World
18:17 - 1B. There is Left Behind - A Cry for Peace & Safety
18:45 - 1C. There is Left Behind - A Global Economic Reset
33:32 - 2. There is Left Behind - A god in the Making
33:45 - 2A. There is Left Behind - Satan’s Man in the Shadows
42:36 - 2B. There is Left Behind - The Preparation of the Nations
56:21 - 3. There is Left Behind - A Great Deception
57:57 - 3A. There is Left Behind - A Great Spiritual Darkness
59:27 - 3B. There is Left Behind - The Beginning of Judgements
1:01:06 - 3C. There is Left Behind - The Rise of the Imposters