A Survey of the New Testament, Fifth Edition by Robert Gundy -- Its History and Features
A Survey of the New Testament, Fifth Edition by Robert Gundry will be a great benefit to both instructors and students; in this video Robert Gundry details its history and features. This widely used text goes beyond providing background information and technical introductory material; it is designed to lead students to read the New Testament itself. This new edition includes updates and corrections throughout and a fresh, full-color design. Topics and issues discussed in the text are linked whenever possible with assigned readings that expose the reader to the entire New Testament. Comments on the readings provide additional help. In addition, instructors and students can take advantage of the many new free supplementary resources at textbookplus.zondervan.com. A Survey of the New Testament, Fifth Edition is also available as both an ebook and as an enhanced ebook with video introductions, animated maps and illustrations, chapter flashcards, and more.
Other features include: new design in full-color with more photos and improved maps; links to relevant websites; outlines, study goals, summaries, and review questions for each chapter; phonetic pronunciations for unfamiliar names and terms; breakouts with illustrative quotes from ancient, nonbiblical literature; and updated bibliographies.