A Sure Foundation - Week 1, Day 1 - The Gospel Truth
In his A Sure Foundation teaching, Andrew reveals the principles from God's Word that show you how to reap a harvest of His promises in every area of life. You'll learn how to plant the Word in your heart, unlock the parable of Jesus that unlocks all others, and develop a mature and stable walk with the Lord. This teaching is foundational for every Christian. Put the right foot forward with A Sure Foundation today!
Andrew Wommack’s daily TV program: Gospel Truth To subscribe to Andrew’s email newsletter: http://www.awmi.net/youtube-subscribe/ Most people have lost a sense of destiny, God's will for their lives. Many even believe you just can't know God's will—that in His sovereignty, He will make it happen regardless of what you do. Too long this viewpoint has kept Christians from knowing the full potential He planned for them. But no more. God created you with a specific purpose, and the good news is, He wants you to find it. This insightful teaching will guide you on your path to find, follow and fulfill God's will in your life.
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00:31 Welcome to our Monday's broadcast of The Gospel Truth.
02:38 That the kingdom of God operates off of the word of God exactly the same way that this physical world operates off of seeds.
05:43 The bible says, in Romans 10:17, so then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
09:49 I heard the Lord tell me, he says, if you will stick your nose in the bible and get to where you know this more than you know anything else, it will teach you everything that you need to know
12:51 The word of God is the key that unlocks the things of God.
14:20 You've got to have an intimate relationship. You've got to have a seed planted. And the word of God, you've got to have more than a casual knowledge of it.
18:12 When you get impregnated with the word, when it comes alive on the inside of you, it burns in your heart, is the way they said it.