A Right View of Life
The Bible is a book one can turn to for truth. It comes with warnings, and challenges one’s thinking. In it are found the teachings of what is right and wrong, how to live during one’s time on earth, and the history of humans. In this sermon on Judges 18:7 and 28 titled “A Right View of Life,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones points out that even though the Bible gives directions on how to live, humans too often decide to make their own way of life and come up with their own solutions to the world’s problems, all apart from the Bible. Dr. Lloyd-Jones goes through the history of the Bible and points out specific examples of how humans have done this. This kind of view on life is a selfish one: it only focuses on the self rather than on God and others. Not only that, but this kind of view also leads to lawlessness and carelessness. Humans are sinners and not fit to decide how they should live. Rather, Christians need to spend time growing their relationship with God and reading His word. They need to listen to His commands on how they should live and love Him well.