A Release of Joy | Steffany Gretzinger and Jeremy Riddle | Bethel Church
Another throwback moment when Steffany Gretzinger and Jeremy Riddle led us into His presence. Chris Cruz prays and declares a release of joy, breaking off heaviness and depression. We pray that as you watch this video, the Lord will minister to your hearts to establish His joy deep inside of you. Recorded live on December 10th 2017 at Bethel Church.
Watch the full set here: https://bit.ly/3eoTSyO
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Everlasting Your light will shine when all else fades
Never ending Your glory goes beyond all fame
God is bigger than the air I breathe
The world we'll leave
God will save the day
And all will say my glorious
My glorious, My glorious
My glorious, My glorious
Higher, Greater, Stronger and Mighty
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#SteffanyGretzinger #JeremyRiddle #Joy #BethelWorship