A Pivot Point for America [America: Blessings or Curses]
A Pivot Point for America is an excerpt from the sermon America — Blessings or Curses, a message from Pastor Allen Jackson of World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN — October 9, 2021. Watch the full sermon here: https://youtu.be/SwCThCOoYUw
➡️ In the midst of the troubles facing our nation, God has provided a season for His people to respond. What will we do? In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson reminds us that God is intimately aware of our circumstances, and apart from His mercy and our willingness to yield to Him, we will not live in freedom. Citing scripture from the end of the book of Job, Pastor Allen discusses aspects of God’s character and His sovereignty, and how these truths can inform our lives today. Pastor Allen also suggests several ways we can equip ourselves to follow God’s leading as we move forward.
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