A Dream So Big, Book Trailer - Steve Peifer
Learn More: http://zondervan.com/9780310326090
Steve Peifer and his wife agreed to be dorm parents at a school in Kenya for a year to escape their grief over the death of their infant son. But a one-year experiment prompted a personal and family pilgrimage that transformed a seemingly ordinary middle-aged American man, husband, and father into perhaps the most unlikely internationally influential hero you've never heard of. Until now.
Steve Peifer serves as Director of College Guidance for Rift Valley Academy in Kijabe, Kenya. He established a rural food program in 2002 that provides lunches for 20,000 Kenyan schoolchildren a day. He has also built the first solar-powered computer-training center in Kenya, and is now developing twenty computer classroom labs for rural schools. For his work on behalf of Kenyan children, he was awarded the CNN Heroes Award for Championing Children in 2007, the 2007 Yale Counseling Award and the 2010 NACAC Excellence in Education Award. Steve and Nancy have four children.