A Clean Heart
Amidst all of the chaos that rules on a global scale, humanity still believes that the key to peace is self-help and self-improvement. In this sermon on Matthew 18:1–4 titled “A Clean Heart, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones shows that, just like the disciples, people today have a false understanding of what it means to be a Christian. Jesus tells His disciples that they must be like little children to enter His Kingdom. Jesus meant that everyone must be entirely reliant on Him for everything, including making them humble. Dr. Lloyd-Jones goes through the Bible, expounding on how humanity is hopeless to change themselves. No matter how hard they try, they still cling to sin: lust, anger, greed, and pride all continuously ravage souls, even those who are Christians. Yet Dr. Lloyd-Jones shows the true difference between the Christian and the unbeliever, and that is the desire for a pure heart.