A Changed Disposition
How does sanctification work? How does a person change? These are important questions for anyone seriously examining their own soul or discipling others. In this sermon titled “A Changed Disposition,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones dissects the particular work of the Holy Spirit in John 1:16. He shows from Scripture that the Holy Spirit is the one that directly ministers sanctification to, and in, the Christian. Furthermore, he shows how this doctrine of sanctification is related to regeneration and justification. He shows that the sanctification of the Holy Spirit is progressive; it happens over time. He also illustrates that this sanctification and regeneration makes a person new at the core, while not changing secondary likes and attributes. Dr. Lloyd-Jones uses Paul as a poignant example. Paul was a zealous and incredible character, both before and after his conversion. His zeal did not change but what changed was his entire aim and controlling disposition. Where he once was zealous in persecution, he became zealous in evangelism and discipleship. Can the Christian state that this is also true of themselves? Have their abilities been reformed and brought under new management and have the direction of their passions changed? Christianity does not need change one’s skills; rather, it subjects every ability to the God who gave them.