4 MADE FOR YOU - Continuing the Mission of the NIV
CONTINUING THE MISSION OF THE NIV. Translating a Bible is a massive undertaking. And the group that translated the New International Version of the Bible, called the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT), has been continuously refining the NIV for the past 50 years. Their goal is to make it more clear, more accurate, more beautiful, more relevant to the way the English-speaking world uses language.
In other words, they strive to make the NIV more understandable for you.
To accomplish their mission, the CBT studies the latest biblical scholarship and consults a database of over 4.4 billion words that points to trends in global English usage. These efforts, blessed by God, have made the NIV the most read, most trusted modern-English translation in the world today.
And because it’s supported by a growing suite of study, text, and specialty Bibles, as well as a deep library of Biblical reference works, more than ever, the NIV is made for you.
To learn more about how and why the NIV came about, visit www.TheNIVBible.com