2020 Gospel Truth Conferences
Register for these free events here:
Phoenix: https://l.awmi.net/GTCPhoenix2020
Orlando: https://l.awmi.net/GTCOrlando2020
You’re invited to join Andrew Wommack and Pastor Jerome Fernando in Phoenix, Arizona, January 2–4, 2020, for the Phoenix Gospel Truth Conference. This event is FREE! Come and experience the best start to a new year with God.
Share in three days of music, prayer, ministry, and spiritual renewal. Worship will be led by Charlie and Jill LeBlanc, and our trained prayer ministers will be available to pray for you and seek renewal with you.
A new year means that it’s time for a new you. But don’t focus on the usual New Year’s Resolutions—look instead to being a new creation in God. Let His Spirit refresh you, fill you with His power, and activate your faith in deep and tangible ways. We look forward to seeing you there!
Follow Andrew Wommack Ministries on your favorite social platform:
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AWMinistries
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/andrewwommack
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/andrewwommack
- Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/andrewwommack
- YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewWo...
- Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/andrewwommack
Learn about Charis Bible College at https://CharisBibleCollege.org
Learn about upcoming events at https://www.awmi.net/events/
#AndrewWommack, #AndrewWommackEvents, #GospelTruthConference #Jesus, #Faith, #Grace, #Bible