2. You Created My Innermost Being, O God
You Created My Innermost Being, O God (Psalm 139) was 1 of the 14 Jazz Psalm tracks originally prepared for Jazz Vespers at Calvin College, a multi-sensory prayer service that was led each week by Daniel Richardson, Angel Napieralski, and a team of students. The Psalms are the paradigm for God’s people in prayer. They express the full range of human emotion – joy, anger, sorrow, and fear – and engage God in praise, lament, confession, thanksgiving, adoration, and more. It’s a remarkable thing to combine this variety with the particular ability of jazz music to express devotional thought and feeling with power and nuance. Congregations and combos with even modest jazz chops should be able to use these resources to sing a new Psalm to the Lord.
You are permitted, even encouraged to use the Jazz Psalms Sheet Music at http://www.calvin.edu/cicw/publications/Jazz_Psalms_sheet_music.pdf.