'10 Prayers You Can't Live Without: How to Talk to God About Anything' by Rick Hamlin
Every Christian longs for a richer prayer life, a stronger connection to God, and a more vibrant faith, but how do we get these when our attempts at prayer seem so frustrating and so flawed? In his newest release, 10 Prayers You Can't Live Without, author and Executive Editor of Guideposts magazine Rick Hamlin offers ten suggestions for a richer prayer life all born from his own life journey in prayer and from the experiences of others he's encountered in his work at Guideposts magazine. If you desire a stronger connection to God, 10 Prayers You Can't Live Without is full of comfort, wisdom and practical insights to help make your prayer-life more gratifying and bring you closer to Him.
To purchase the book 10 Prayers You Can't Live Without at Christianbook.com, visit: http://www.christianbook.com/prayers-live-without-talk-about-anything/rick-hamlin/9780824932183/pd/932183?p=1148608&10prayersyoucantlive