(A Lifetime Original movie) Sarah begins attending AA meetings at the community center, not because she’s an alcoholic, but to meet Charlies – a handsome man she’s seen going to the meetings. Sarah and Charlie begin to fall in love, but she’ll need to muster up the courage to tell him that she’s not an alcoholic, knowing that she may lose him as a result.

Directed by Paul A. Kaufman

Written by Julie Brazier

Starring Jennifer Beals, Peter Outerbridge, Nolan Funk


Jennifer Beals as Sarah Winston

Peter Outerbridge as Charlie Manning

Nolan Gerard Funk as Kit

Crystal Bublé as Darla

Sarah Edmondson as Olivia

Steven Cree Molison as Hank

Ken Kramer as Leo

Eve Harlow as Lola

Rukiya Bernard as Barista

Kwesi Ameyaw as Principal

Beverley Elliott as Landlady

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