Life in Osborn is the story of hope for one of Detroit’s most-blighted neighborhoods. Chronicling the efforts of the Detroit-based non-profit Life Remodeled to make a sustainable difference in the northeast Detroit community that once was the most violent ZIP Code in the United States, Life in Osborn follows the project centered on a makeover of Osborn High School, the amazing transformation of deeply depressed, cynical and skeptical Osborn resident Pandora Ingram, who lost a son to gang violence, and the efforts of more than 10,000 volunteers from businesses, churches and Osborn residents on a memorable journey of sometimes dark urban life mixed with occasional humor and pervasive hope of a formerly proud working-class neighborhood’s attempt to reclaim its heritage. Two-time Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Walter V. Marshall, who grew up in Detroit, directs and narrates the story.
Director: Walter V. Marshall
Starring: Walter V. Marshall, Daryl Harris, Vaughn Arrington, Bertha Marsh, Pandora Ingram, Betti Wiggins
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