On an evening in northern Sweden, during one night when the sun partially sets only one way, the animated character Dunderklumpen comes from the woods to seek some friends to keep him company. In the Wolgers family home he finds toys belonging to a girl named Camilla and a boy named Jens, and brings them to life, whisking them away to the woods where he lives. This adorable and amusing crew includes a little scaredy-cat lion named Lionel, the demanding doll, the cute harmonica-playing bear Pellegnillot, and the ridiculous Dummy the bunny. Jens, Camilla's brother, sees the kidnapping after hearing the toys' cries for help and follow Dunderklumpen, who is not so quick to surrender his new-found company. This fun filled animated/live action movie is for everyone in the family.
Directed by Per Åhlin
Starring Beppe Wolger, Jens Wolgers
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